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Maitland Workplace Catastrophic Injury Lawyer

There are risks associated with every workplace. While some industries are more dangerous than others, there is no doubt that serious and even catastrophic injuries can happen when you least expect it.

When you sustain a severe physical injury that occurred at work or because of your job duties, you might be entitled to workers’ comp benefits to help you get the medical care you need and keep you and your family financially afloat while you recover. Before you pursue your claim alone, consider a discussion with a Maitland workplace catastrophic injury lawyer. Dedicated workers’ compensation attorney Kevin Moore can answer your questions and help you navigate the claims process.

What Is a Catastrophic Injury?

The term “catastrophic injury” applies to devastating conditions that have the potential to cause life-long health issues. When these injuries happen on the job, a Maitland workplace catastrophic injury attorney can potentially help you pursue benefits for:

Traumatic Brain Injuries

One of the most common examples of a workplace catastrophic injury is a traumatic brain injury (TBI). These can occur in a variety of workplace accidents, including slips and falls, auto accidents, workplace violence, falling equipment, and machinery malfunction.

Spinal Cord Injuries and Paralysis

Workers can become paralyzed when they suffer damage to their spinal cord. This usually involves some kind of traumatic injury to the head, neck, or back. Paralysis can result from falling objects, vehicle collisions, or any circumstance where the body experiences extreme physical force. Paralysis can also occur from damage directly to a limb or appendage, as is sometimes the case with crush injuries.

Severe Burns

Major burn injuries are known for causing scarring, disfigurement, chronic pain, and even death. In a workplace accident, these injuries can result from fires, exposure to electrical wiring, or dangerous chemicals. Workers’ comp benefits are important in these situations, as the cost of caring for severe burns can be significant.

What Do Workers’ Compensation Benefits Cover?

When catastrophic injuries happen at work, it is possible to pursue a claim for benefits through the state’s workers’ compensation system. Most employees in Florida are covered by these insurance policies and are not required to prove liability to receive compensation.

Medical Care

The benefits available through these claims can vary. First and foremost, a successful claim will cover the cost of medical treatment. These payments are made directly to the providers, meaning there is no need for a worker to pay out of pocket and then wait for reimbursement.

Wage Reimbursement

Workers’ compensation claims also include disability payments to help employees maintain their household while being unable to work due to their injuries. These come in the form of weekly direct payments based on the employee’s wages prior to their injury. For catastrophic injuries, it is not uncommon for these benefits to continue for years.

Death Benefits

Finally, there are benefits in cases where these injuries are fatal. Death benefits are payable to the surviving relatives of a worker who died from their injuries.

Our trusted attorney, Kevin A. Moore, can help Maitland workers who have experienced catastrophic injuries determine what type of benefits may be available to them and what steps to take to receive them without delay.

Call a Maitland Workplace Catastrophic Injury Attorney Today

When you sustain a work-related injury that brings long-term or permanent consequences, you could have a viable workers’ compensation claim. The claims process is not always simple, especially if you pursue it on your own.

The good news is that the Law Firm of Kevin A. Moore is here to protect your interests. Call our Maitland workplace catastrophic injury lawyer as soon as possible. You will work directly with Attorney Moore from the start and can rest assured that you will never be treated like a number.

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