The 'On-The-Job' Injury Attorney

Brandon Workers’ Compensation Lawyer

When you are hurt on the job or get sick because of a condition you are exposed to while working, understanding, and making use of the workers’ compensation coverage your employer likely provides is important to protecting your long-term best interests. Unfortunately, even though filing for workers’ comp should be simple, it is often extremely challenging, especially if you do not have an experienced workers’ compensation attorney to protect your interests.

An experienced Brandon workers’ compensation lawyer will help you from beginning to end of your workers’ comp claim by making sure your employer and the insurance company comply with reporting your claim to ensure you get all the benefits you are entitled to. Even if you just have a few questions about what benefits you may be entitled to, workplace accident attorney Kevin A. Moore can provide the answers you need and guidance about the steps you should take to maximize the compensation you receive.

Early Steps In A Successful Workers’ Comp Claim

The first step to getting benefits through workers’ compensation coverage is for the injured or sick worker to notify their employer of their condition as soon as they become aware of it themselves. Injured employees technically have 30 days after initially discovering their injury or illness to inform their employer about it. However, fulfilling this requirement quickly can be key to collecting relevant evidence and building the strongest benefits claims possible.

After a worker tells their employer about their injury or illness, their employer should provide them with a written form for the injured worker to fill out and return. The employer must submit this document to their workers’ comp insurance provider within seven days of receipt. This form will ask for information about what injury or illness the worker suffered, where and when it happened, and what medical treatment they have already received. It is important to be thorough when filling this form out – something a seasoned Brandon workers’ compensation attorney from The Law Firm of Kevin A. Moore can provide vital assistance with.

Effectively Pursuing Workers’ Comp Benefits

Workers’ comp policies in Florida typically provide reimbursement for all reasonable medical expenses necessary to return an injured or sick worker to their pre-accident condition or for them to reach “maximum medical improvement.” When a worker is unable to work for seven days or more, they may be eligible for temporary disability benefits until they can return to work, as well as permanent total disability benefits if they are never able to return to work again because of their injuries. Some of the common workplace injuries the firm handles include:

  • Heavy lifting injuries
  • Back, neck and shoulder injuries
  • Catastrophic harm, such as traumatic brain injuries, burns and spinal cord damage
  • Slips and falls
  • Strains and sprains
  • Cuts and lacerations
  • Hearing loss
  • Repetitive motion injuries such as carpal tunnel

To keep benefits active, it is absolutely vital for workers’ comp claimants to attend all scheduled medical appointments, follow all instructions from their doctors, and keep written records of all treatment they receive and bills they pay. Any disputes over coverage are almost always best handled by a Brandon workers’ compensation attorney with a track record of positive results from previous cases.

Contact A Brandon Workers’ Compensation Attorney For Personalized Assistance

Filing for workers’ comp should be fairly simple, but it is often anything but. Without support from knowledgeable legal counsel, you may have trouble getting any benefits at all from your employer, let alone the full amount you should be entitled to under their specific policy.

Whether you work in an office, warehouse, as a delivery driver or any other type of work setting, a Brandon workers’ compensation lawyer can help you get paid fairly after your work-related injury or illness. At The Law Firm of Kevin A. Moore, you can rest assured that your questions and concerns will be handled with the highest level of personalized care. You will meet with attorney Moore from the beginning and will be kept informed throughout the process. Learn more by calling today.