Trusted Clients
Over $40+ Million
In Settlements
5 Star Reviews
When you have been hurt at work, you can rely on Kevin A. Moore for experienced workers’ compensation help throughout Florida. He will guide you every step of the way when you or a family member need to file an injury claim for workers’ compensation benefits.

Firm Reviews
100% Florida Workers’ Compensation
About Workers’ Compensation
We fight for you.
Catastrophic Injuries
Securing the fair compensation you deserve.
Florida Workers’ Compensation FAQ
Protecting your rights when you are hurt at work.
Medical Treatment Issues FAQ
Resolving patient care concerns and problems.
Why Hire A Lawyer To Help You With A Workplace Injury?
Having a lawyer at your side for your Florida workers’ compensation claim can help make the overall process smoother and potentially more favorable for you. Kevin A. Moore is an experienced workers’ comp attorney who will explain the process – from letting your boss know you have been hurt, filing the appropriate documents to seeking medical attention and obtaining medical records. Kevin will also be there to help you resolve a dispute or denial of your claim.
In most cases, you cannot sue your employer for the injuries you obtained while working for your company, but your employer must provide a way for you to obtain proper medical treatment, wage replacement, rehabilitation, and other financial compensation. In some cases, you may be able to file a third-party liability claim against the manufacturer of a dangerous or poorly designed product. How do you know if this would be the right path for your circumstances? There are times when your boss or the company’s insurance company refuses to fully cover your medical treatment. Your company may demand that you return to work before your healing process is complete. What then?
Get answers and solutions at The Law Firm of Kevin A. Moore. A workers’ compensation lawyer for more than 25 years, Kevin focuses 100% of his practice of law on workers’ compensation claims and cases. His goal is to guide you through the complicated steps of filing a workers’ compensation claim. He will be a strong advocate for you on your journey to obtaining the compensation you need for medical care, wages and rehabilitation. If you have lost use of part of your body, you may qualify for permanent disability compensation. If your loved one was died in a work-related accident, you may file a claim for financial benefits. Hiring a lawyer can help make the overall process smoother and potentially more favorable for you. Contact The Law Firm of Kevin A. Moore today.
No Fees Or Costs Unless We Win Your Case
All work done at The Law Firm of Kevin A. Moore is on a contingency basis. This means that you will not have to pay any upfront costs for the legal assistance you initially receive. Kevin will not charge an attorney fee unless he wins your case for you. He knows you have gone through enough already and that you do not need the additional stress of worrying about how you will pay for your lawyer.
As with most personal injury and workers’ compensation attorneys, the legal fees amount to a percentage of the settlement or court-ordered figure. Regardless of the type of work you do – health care, teaching, law enforcement, farming, construction, cooking, food service, barista work, babysitting, engineering or accounting – in whatever industry you serve, you can speak in confidence with Kevin about your work-related injuries.

Meet Attorney Kevin A. Moore
If you have on-the-job injuries or discover your illness is due to your work environment, call 844-538-6580 or send an email to The Law Firm of Kevin A. Moore. Attorney Kevin A. Moore has been helping his clients with injuries get the compensation they deserve for more than 25 years.
What Clients Say
Click below to read more about Kevin’s happy clients and why you should choose The Law Firm of Kevin A. Moore.

Only Work-Related Injuries, All The Time