The 'On-The-Job' Injury Attorney

Florida Amazon Workers’ Compensation Lawyer

With the surge of online commerce, workplace accidents have become a growing concern for warehouse workers, especially if you are employed by Amazon in one of its Florida fulfillment centers, at least two of which exceed a million square feet. These buildings store a lot of products that need to be moved, hoisted, carried and dispatched.

Nationwide, Amazon’s 140 fulfillment centers have been generating complaints from injured workers who claim Amazon prioritizes efficiency over safety. Federal regulators concurred earlier this year. The growing number of employee injuries has also led to more complaints that Amazon makes it difficult for them to get medical treatment and other promised benefits. If you work for Amazon, are injured on the job and are having trouble getting help, a Florida Amazon workers’ compensation lawyer from The Law Firm of Kevin A. Moore can assist you.

Amazon OSHA Investigations

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is part of the United States Department of Labor. It was created in 1970 to ensure American workers were not subjected to unsafe conditions. OSHA sets and enforces workplace safety standards. In December 2022, January 2023, and February 2023, OSHA issued citations after inspecting Amazon fulfillment centers in Florida and several other states.

OSHA regulators found that Amazon’s practices are disastrous for the safety of employees, who are at risk for serious injuries associated with repetitive motions and handling heavy items for long periods. Injury rates were twice as high as Amazon’s competitors. OSHA also found that Amazon was failing to record workplace injuries, which is a necessary component of workers’ compensation claims. OSHA fined Amazon $60,000 along with exposing them for harming workers physically and making it harder for them to file benefit claims. Amazon denied all allegations. OSHA added to its report that the predominant musculoskeletal conditions its regulators found can cause medical issues for an employee’s lifetime. Amazon employees are entitled to benefits after a workplace accident or illness and a Tampa, Florida, workers’ compensation attorney like Kevin Moore can assist in getting them.

Employee’s Workers’ Compensation Claims Ignored

Employees have filed court cases claiming Amazon fails to protect them by denying some workers’ compensation claims, failing to file their with the Amazon’s workers’ compensation insurance carrier and retaliating against some who do file workers’ compensation claims by firing them.

Florida requires almost all employers to provide benefits through workers’ compensation insurance or self-insurance. Employees and OSHA report that Amazon’s failure to file accident reports and insurance claims makes it difficult to impossible to get applicable medical attention from a designated workers’ compensation physician, a prerequisite to a successful claim for benefits. Amazon workers who need to file for benefits should consult Tampa workers’ compensation attorney Kevin Moore for individualized guidance through the process and protection from retaliation measures.

Benefits Amazon Workers are Entitled To

Amazon workers must be away from work for at least seven days before they are eligible for benefits. Medical care, including medication, lab work, rehabilitation and medical mileage are part of these benefits. You generally are entitled to lost wages, which are paid every 14 days, while you are unable to work or are limited by work restrictions because of your on the job injury. Mr. Moore can review your circumstances to determine what benefits you may be eligible to receive.

Let A Florida Amazon Workers’ Compensation Attorney Advocate For You

Amazon warehouse workers are injured at twice the rate of its competitors. If you work for Amazon, you are entitled to medical care and a portion of your wages if you are seriously injured on the job.

If Amazon managers are making it difficult for you to secure your benefits, Mr. Moore can help. Unfortunately, many employers drag their feet reporting a claim, deny them or retaliate once they are filed. That is putting profits over people. A Florida Amazon workers’ compensation lawyer’s goal is to put your welfare over your employers’ profits. Contact the firm today to speak directly with attorney Moore about your options and next steps.